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WordPress make it easy to install a favicon for your website. Our WordPress Themes support the recommended way of installing a favicon using the native WordPress setting.

What Is A Favicon?

Zomex favicon example
Zomex favicon example.

A favicon is a small icon that is shown within the window of a web browser. It's a small image that represents a website/brand. As an example you can see the Zomex favicon in the image above, this icon comes from our logo.

A favicon is a good tool to enhance the brand of your business and is very quick and easy to install.

Creating A Favicon

You can create a favicon using Photoshop. The size should be equal width and height for example 200px by 200px, 500px by 500px. You can then use the following free tool to automatically generate your Favicon:

Install Your Favicon In WordPress

To install your favicon head to:

WordPress Admin > Appearence > Customize > Site Identity

Under Site Icon click on the Select site icon button and upload one of the generated .png images. WordPress recommend a size of at least 512px by 512px.

WordPress Favicon upload
WordPress Favicon upload.

When you visit your website you should now see your icon displaying within the browser bar.

Use The Favicon For Software Integration

By default the software integration will not use this icon. For it to display you need to set the URL to your favicon. Head to:

WordPress Admin > Wizard Panel > Software Integration

Scroll down to Favicon URL and set the URL of your favicon. You can find the URL within the Media page of WordPress. Find and click on the icon then copy the File URL.

Your integration software will now display your favicon after re-syncing the header/footer.

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