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In this tutorial you will learn how to update your HTML Template WISECP Integration to support the latest version of WISECP.

Is This Update Required?

Yes, every time WISECP release a new version updates are made to the template files to add new functionality, fix bugs etc. This update will update your WISECP Integration files with the new changes to add full support for the latest version of WISECP.

Will I Loose Customisations Made To The Template?

You shouldn't loose any custimizations as the HTML Template does not modify the WISECP files, instead all edits are made within the HTML Template files which are automatically applied to WISECP without editing required.

How To Update

You will need to follow every step below to update your WISECP Integration.

1. Update WISECP

To begin you will need to update WISECP to the latest version following WISECP documentation.

2. Upload & Replace The WISECP Integration Files

Want to save time? You can hire us to update your template.

The next step is to upload the latest WISECP Integration version.

Steps To Upload

1. Make a full backup of your HTML/WISECP files & database for safety

2. Download the WISECP Integration files >> Download Guide

3. Extract the ZIP file to your desktop

4. Open the directory within Upload that matches your WISECP version e.g if you have updated to WISECP v8 open:

/upload/wisecp v8/

5. Upload the contents of this directory using an FTP client to:


This will override the old WISECP Integration files used by your template with the latest version.

Ensure that your FTP client does not replace directories and instead adds/overrides the new files within the existing directory. We recommend FileZilla which is free and will work correctly out of the box.

If you have made customisations to any files contained in the ZIP we recommend comparing your version and the updated version so you can re-apply your customisations manually.

3. Re-Apply Header/Footer

The final step is to re-apply the header/footer of your HTML Template to your WISECP integration template. This is a quick and easy process. This step will also ensure that if any changes were made to your header/footer (e.g changes to the menu) since the last update, it will be matched exactly in WISECP.

Learn More WISECP Header/Footer Re-Apply

4. Update Integration CSS Files

All of the CSS overrides used by the WISECP integration are found within the HTML Template.

For this step you will need to:

1. Login to your Zomex account and download the latest version of your HTML Template

2. Extract the ZIP to your desktop

3. Upload the following files:


To replace the existing within your live install (e.g within public_html/wp-content/themes/your_theme/libs/css/)

This step ensures that you're using the up to date WISECP CSS.

5. Update Completed

You have now finished updating your WISECP Integration to add support for the latest version of WISECP. If you see any miss alignment when viewing your WISECP front-end you may need to clear your browser cache to force the updated files to be rendered. If you run into any issues, submit a ticket and we will be happy to assist you.

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