Today marks a huge milestone for Zomex! As of the 25th of May 2019 we have now been in business for 10 years! I would like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support Zomex over the years. It has been an absolute pleasure developing templates, providing services and more importantly replying to your support requests over the last 10 years. Zomex is my baby, my passion and my life and it goes without saying that I will continue to dedicate my time and energy to Zomex's continued growth. Together we will take it to the next level, Here's to the next 10 years!
The Story So Far
In 2008 I was 18 years old, I come across a video on Youtube which was about how to make money online. The video was very basic by todays standards but it was enough to spark something in me, it gave me the basic information on how to make money online from Google Adsense to affiliate marketing. This new found knowledge and passion for websites along with my desire to one day make a living online lead me to create my first website, conceptskateboarding.com. At the time I was skateboarding every day for many years of my youth, that was my passion at the time. I started this website without any experience of coding or web hosting and over time I learned HTML, CSS & web hosting technology. Another big influence was web development community forums such as the now defunct websitebabble.com run by Lisa Irby of 2createawebsite.com. I used this and other forums to communicate with others who share the same passion and learn from them.

Over time I began to realise that I do not enjoy writing content, in 2008 in order to make money from Google Adsense and affiliate marketing you would have to write articles that would get traffic from Google search. At this time I was also fascinated by the Reseller Hosting page of my hosting provider (HostGator at the time). It lead me to research how to resell web hosting and turn my passion of websites and web hosting into a business.
On the 25th of May 2009 Zomex (then named Sequence Hosting) was born! Zomex was originally a web hosting reseller company where I provided shared hosting and domain registration (resold from HostGator and Enom). I purchased a $60 web hosting template from TemplateMonster.com, used my free WHMCS license from HostGator and went through the process of learning how to integrate my website with WHMCS. At the time there was not anyone providing WHMCS integration as a service so it was very much a DIY scenario of learning bit by bit by playing around with the files combined with reading from past discussions on the WHMCS community forums and Web Hosting Talk. Configuring WHMCS to connect to WHM was also a bit more complicated than now as there was very little documentation and examples to follow. After months of learning and playing around with my website I was happy with everything. I then made a test order using my person bank account and paying via PayPal (to myself ironically). When I ordered the web hosting service the invoice was sent to my email. Upon payment the web hosting account automatically created in WHM and the login details were instantly sent to my email. I got such a huge rush seeing how smooth the process was as a customer and knew there and then that I was going to do anything it took to make my business successful.

I advertised my business mostly via forums at the time. Posting adverts of my web hosting services weekly on any forum that allowed it including Web Hosting Talk, Free Web Space & more. Over time I managed to build up a few client's (some of which are still with Zomex today!) and I focused on constantly improving my business in every aspect including my services, support, order process & marketing. I found the most important part of the web hosting business was to provide good support to my clients and this has always been a huge focus continuing to this day.
It become apparent to me that I wanted to not just be known for web hosting. I wanted my company to be known as the go to place to create a website. That's when I purchased Zomex.com for around $300 from a member of a forum who was hoarding and reselling short .com domains. I choose Zomex purely because it was short, memorable and most importantly pronounceable. This new name allowed me to create a brand that matched my growing list of services and not limit me to just web hosting. My WHMCS services become the focus of my business and to this date I have completed over 250 custom WHMCS integrations for clients around the world.

While providing WHMCS integration it became apparent that most of my clients were hiring me to integrate the same template. That's when I decided to create a WHMCS template that incorporated all of the best features of web hosting websites that come pre-integrated with WHMCS. This one product changed my business forever and WHMCS templates became the focus from that point forward. I developed my first WHMCS template (Ice Host) in about 2011 and haven't looked back since.

10 years since launching, Zomex now boosts 14 high quality web hosting designs available for WHMCS, Wordpress and as HTML templates. I provide the same reliable hosting services and my WHMCS integration/configuration services are as popular as ever. Going forward you can expect to see more high quality web hosting templates and I will be branching out into other industries. Time has gone quickly and I have very much enjoyed every moment of the last 10 years. Zomex is my baby and I will continue to nurture it and grow the business by providing high quality products and support to my clients.
I would like to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart. Without you this fantastic journey wouldn't have been possible. It will be an honour to work with you for another 10 years!
Zomex 10 Year Statistics

Here are some statistics over the last 10 years you may find interesting:
Support tickets: 15,262 Eak!
Support ticket feedback rating: 9.62/10 (1004 ratings)
Emails received (not including spam): 184,432
Webhostingtalk.com: Joined May 2009, 1,646 posts
WHMCS Community Forum: Joined May 2009, 1,270 posts
First payment received: 23rd November 2009 ($1 :D)
Products/services created in WHMCS: 536
Announcements: 195