
This guide is available as a video:

Wizard Panel (settings area)

Our WHMCS Themes come with our exclusive built-in settings area called Wizard Panel. With Wizard Panel you can easily add/edit your plans, adjust display options, enable/disable features/pages & more without any HTML experience.

WHMCS Template Wizard Panel
A screenshot of the easy to use settings area.

Where can I find Wizard Panel?

Once your template has been installed you'll be able to access the settings area from inside your WHMCS admin panel under Addons > Wizard Panel as seen below:

WHMCS Template Wizard Panel access
Wizard Panel link.

Wizard Panel features

Below is a list of each settings and what they are for:


Currency Prefix - The currency used throughout the template. The prefix is displayed in front of a price. Our templates support multi currencies with quick setup turned on. If off then users can still change their currency within the cart.

Currency Suffix - The currency suffix is displayed after the price.

Favicon URL - Here you can set the URL to your favicon (this is a small icon that can be seen on the address bar on some websites). By default we've included a favicon that's hosted on our servers. It's loaded by a secure (https://) URL so it will not break any SSL certificate. You can generate your own favicon using many of the free tools available online.

Animation - By default animation is enabled which you will see when viewing your WHMCS Template (moving elements as you scroll down). You can turn off this feature using this setting.

Breadcrumb - When turned on you will see a page trail of links under the page title of the sub banner.

Slimmed Down Cart - When enabled your cart.php pages in the template will be minimal with the distracting elements in the header/footer (such as the mega menu, footer links etc) removed. With this setting enabled you should see a higher conversation rate. Many of the biggest websites will do the same when checking out. Turning this setting off will re-apply the full header/footer to the cart.php pages.

Slimmed Down Login - Much like the slimmed down cart this setting will remove the clutter from the login page leaving just a simple login box + legal links. When enabled the slimmed down display creates a more web 2.0 look and will give your website a more member feel when clients login.

Partners - Enable/disable the partners image which is displayed above the footer.

Client Area Menu - Set the WHMCS logged-in menu to use the toolbar (top right My Account link) or a menu displayed under the sub banner within the client area.

Footer Link Icon - Set the font awesome icon that is used for the footer links. This can also be disabled by leaving this setting blank.

Check Icon - Set the font awesome check icon used by the comparison table.

Cross Icon - Set the font awesome cross icon used by the comparison table.

Link To Zomex - We've made it easy for you to instantly remove the single link to Zomex found in the footer of your template. Should you choose to do so we would greatly appreciate a donation so we can continue to develop awesome templates with user friendly settings such as this one.

PayPal donate

Menu Layout - This settings allows you to change the layout of the main menu. You can select:

  • megamenu - This fully CSS based mega menu features a bold dropdown container which includes links with descriptions & the optional for call to action (CTA) images. The mega menu also allows you to align the dropdown container to the left or right.
  • dropdown - This menu is a single level dropdown which is much more slimmed down with less wide columns and no link descriptions
  • basic - Basic is a menu layout without any dropdowns, this menu works best with the submenu enabled (which displays underneath the main menu)

Menu Icons - Enable/disable the menu icons (used on the megamenu and dropdown menu layouts)

Sticky Menu - Enable/disable the sticky menu. When enabled the main menu will stick to the top of the browser window when scrolling down the page.

Sub Menu - Enable/disable the submenu. This menu is made of of category links displayed underneath the main menu. This is useful if you're using the basic menu layout but may be better to turn off if using the megamenu layout.

Call To Action - Enable/disable the call to action which is a button that displays to the right of the main menu

Call To Action Button Text - The text used for the CTA button

Call To Action Button Icon - Set the font awesome icon for the CTA button. This can also be disabled by leaving this setting blank.

Call To Action Button URL - The URL used for the CTA button


Within this tab you can turn on/off pages within the template and also change the display order. Aside from turning on/off individual pages you can also remove full categories and features. The Extras pages are WHMCS Marketconnect services which you may or may not have active in WHMCS. These pages will only display in the template if set to on in Wizard Panel and are also activated within your WHMCS. Some of these settings also control functionality. For example if you turn of the Register Domain page it will also remove the domain search section underneath the homepage banner.

Multi-Language Support

Multi-Language Support - Set your multi-language setting, options are on, Google Translate and off.

  • on - When set to on the native WHMCS multi-language support will be used. This system pulls each string of text from a single file e.g english.php. There is a unique file for each language supported by WHMCS which contains the translations Our templates support the same system with all of the text not editable via Wizard Panel pulled from a single english.php file. While the template supports multi-languages please keep in mind that we don't provide translations (why not?).
  • google - When enabled Google Translate service will be used, a translate button will show in your templates toolbar allowing users to select their language. Google will translate your default text used in the template on demand.
  • off - No language button will be displayed on your website. In this case only the language file of your active language will be used (e.g english.php).


Slideshow - By default each template displays rotating banners. You can also set it to static which is a single static banner and off to remove it completely.

Auto Slide - Have the slideshow slide automatically or manually.

Infinite Loop - When enabled the slideshow will loop through all slides continuously.

Pause Time - The higher value set the longer delay between each slide.

Speed - Set the speed of each slide transition.

Controls - The slide controls are displayed underneath the slideshow allowing users to manually navigate them.

Adaptive Height - Once enabled each slide will use it's actual height and content around it will be adjusted per slide.

Domain Checker - This feature consists of a featured TLD section displayed on the homepage below the slideshow. Set 5 featured domains that you'd like to promote.

Feature Boxes - Feature boxes are displayed underneath the domain checker. They consist of 1-9 boxes allowing you to promote any product/service you like. Set a box name, description, features, highlighting, pricing and 2 buttons. We recommend reading our guide on how to add your hosting plans to see how to link the a order button to WHMCS.

Quick Setup

Quick Setup - We have 2 options for setting up your template which are quick setup turned on or off. When turned on your template will pull your product/service categories and plans from WHMCS and display them dynamically. When turned off your template will display 10 sales pages that are fully customizable in Wizard Panel. These pages allow you to add your plans to be displayed in multiple ways to create engaging sales pages. These sales pages allow you to better display and promote the benefits of your products/services.

Unsure which option is best? Compare

Service Pages - 10 sales pages when quicksetup is turned off

With Quick Setup turned off the template will support up to 10 customizable sales page. These pages support multiple layouts to display your products/services and allow you to add diverse content and SEO data. Each page can be made unique to the product or service you are providing. For example you could use a table layout for shared hosting and a slider layout for servers. You can re-name these pages to list any type of products/services you like by following this guide, for example if you don't provide Reseller Hosting you could always change this to Windows Hosting for example.

Can't see the hosting pages in Wizard Panel? Ensure that the Quick Setup setting is turned off in the Quick Setup tab.

Page Title - Set the name of your page.

Page URL - This needs to be the name of your page without the .php extension. This URL is used within the template for links to the page such as within the main menu.

Layout Option - Change the layout style you'd like to use for displaying your products/services. Our templates support 4 layout options:

  • table - pricing table design allowing you to easily compare up to 6 diverse products
  • table2 - data table design which is perfect for listing up to 10 products with only a few varying features
  • boxes - popular box design which is bold and easy to display up to 10 products effectively
  • slider - a modern plan display allowing users to slide to compare between plans

Number Of Plans - Choose to display between 1 and 10 products/services for each page. The table layout supports a maximum of 6 plans but the others support up to 10.

Plan Settings - Using your selected layout you will be able to input your plan names, description, features, pricing & order URLs. We recommend reading our full guide on adding your plans.


When enabled the addons feature will add a dropdown link to your menu listing Zomex products/services. Set your Zomex affiliate ID to earn a commission on any sales generated from these pages. You can disable this setting in the Pages tab, doing so will remove the pages from your template menu and the addons tab from Wizard Panel.

Zomex Affiliate ID - Set your Zomex affiliate ID. If you're not already a Zomex affiliate you can create your free affiliate account. Your affiliate ID will be applied to all of the links to Zomex within the addon pages ensuring that you get credited with any sales.

You can also turn off specific addon pages of your choice. For example if you provide logo design you can remove this page.

Search Engine Optimization

This tab will allow you to set the SEO data for each individual page of the template.

Page Title - The page title you set for each page is the first thing Google see when they crawl your site. It's also shown at the top of most browsers and on many occasions used for the listing of this page in Google. The page title is known as one of the most important aspects of on-page SEO so it's wise to edit this specifically for your business.

Meta Description - The meta description you set for each page is listed in the source code. It's used specifically for search engines to understand the content/focus of the particular page of your website. Search engines will sometimes use your defined description within your website listing in their results.

Meta Tags - In the early days of the web search engines such as Google used the tags as a way of ranking a page. As it was easily abused it's no longer used by Google for the ranking of a website. However we have left it as an option as some find it useful to list keywords for their own reference.


Social - Instantly turn off all of the social integration within your template.

Each network supports the ability to set your URL, turn on/off, display in the footer or sidebar and change the display order.

HTML Snippets

This tab includes a wide selection of ready-made HTML Snippets allowing you to easily generate pre-integrated and fully responsive elements for your new pages. Elements include feature boxes, pricing tables, buttons & more.

HTML Snippets


Reset To Default - Warning: Clicking this button will reset all of your Wizard Panel settings to default.


If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact our support.