This update guide only applies to our WHMCS Templates that are using the WHMCS Six client area template as a base. If you're using v2+ then this update does not apply to your template, please refer to the update announcement for more information. Find Template Version
Update Service
Save yourself time by using our professional update service. Your update to WHMCS v7.9.2 will be completed in-house by our team who will ensure everything goes smoothly with no loss of customizations.
In this tutorial you will learn how to update your WHMCS Template to support WHMCS v7.9.2.
Is This Update Required?
This update needs to be applied to your template to add support for WHMCS v7.9.2. If you purchased your template after the launch of WHMCS v7.9.2 (20th February 2020) you do not need to follow this update as it will already be applied to your version.
How To Update
Active Updates Required
This update is available to download right away for those who have subscribed to updates ($30/year). If you purchase your theme without updates or your updates have expired you will need to renew using the button below.
You will need to follow every step below to update to WHMCS v7.9.2.
1. Update WHMCS
To begin you will need to update WHMCS to v7.9.2 following WHMCS's documentation or you can hire us to update your WHMCS.
2. Complete Earlier Template Updates
If you updated from WHMCS v7.9 to v7.9.2 you can skip this section and move onto step 3.
If you updated from an earlier version of WHMCS you will need to apply the missing template updates before completing this one:
3. Upload The Files
Want to save time? You can hire us to update your template.
The next step is to upload the files from the update ZIP we have carefully prepared. The files contained within this update are unlikely to have been modified by most users as they are core client area files. If there are changes required to files that are more likely to have been edited (such as header.tpl, template.css, english.php) they will be listed as manual edits in step 4 to ensure that any edits made to these files will not be lost.
Steps To Upload
1. Make a full backup of your WHMCS files & database for safety
2. Download the update files >> Download WHMCS v7.9.2 Update (.zip)
3. Extract the ZIP file to your desktop
4. Rename the /upload/templates/your_active_template/ to the name of your active Zomex template you'd updating (e.g stellar, universe, eco-net etc)
5. Upload the contents of the upload directory using an FTP client to:
Ensure that your FTP client does not replace directories and instead adds/overrides the new files within the existing directory. We recommend FileZilla which is free and will work correctly out of the box.
If you have made customisations to any files contained in the ZIP we recommend comparing your version and the updated version so you can re-apply your customisations manually.
You can also refer to the WHMCS v7.9.2 template guide on GitHub to see all of the updates to each file. However, the guide we have created is a much simpler update process.
4. Update Completed
You have now finished updating your template to support WHMCS v7.9.2. If you see any miss alignment when viewing your website you may need to clear your browser cache to force the updated files to be rendered. If you run into any issues, submit a ticket and we will be happy to assist you.
Request Support
We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.