All of our WHMCS Themes come with 10 Wizard Panel based sales pages. You are free to re-name either of these pages to suit any type of product/service you are providing. For example if you do not provide Game Servers (one of the default pages included in the template) you can re-name it to Windows Hosting for example.
In this tutorial you'll learn how to re-name a sales pages.
How To Re-Name A Sales Page
Re-naming a page can be achieved by following a few simple steps. It is important to follow every step within this section.
As an example for the sake of this tutorial we will re-name the Game Server page to Windows Hosting. Let's get started:
Change the page in Wizard Panel
The first step is to edit the page in Wizard Panel. Click on the Game Servers tab and change the Page Title and Page URLs settings. The Page Title is used as a reference in Wizard Panel only and the Page URL is used in the front end.
Set the Page Title to Windows Hosting.
Set the Page URL to windows-hosting.
Click save changes. Once saved all references to Reseller Hosting will be automatically changed to Windows Hosting (page title) and reseller-hosting.php links in the template will be changed to windows-hosting.php (page url).
The last edit to make in Wizard Panel is the SEO data of the page. Click on the Search Engine Optimization tab and scroll down to find your newly named Windows Hosting page. Set the page title, meta description and tags you'd like to use for the new page as seen below:
Rename the files
The next step is to re-name the page files which consist of the .php functions file and the .tpl content file.
To do this login to cPanel (access File Manager) or use an FTP program.
Find the old .php file of the page:
And re-name to the new page:
Make this same change to the .tpl file of the page:
Changing to the new page:
Open the following file:
This file handles some references of the page. Scroll down to the game-servers.php page:
$custom6_page = "game-servers.php";
$custom6_tpl = "game-servers";
Edit the values (matching the changes you made to the file names) to your new page as so:
$custom6_page = "windows-hosting.php";
$custom6_tpl = "windows-hosting";
Adjust the language references
Lastly you will need to edit the language file to change references to the page. For this example we will assume that your default language is English. Open the following file:
Wizard Panel uses 10 sales pages, these pages are references as custom1 to custom10. You can find the custom reference within the configuration_template.php file. In this example it's custom6, you can search the language file with this reference to find all of the text used by it. Specifically we need to complete the following edits:
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_name'] = "Game Servers";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_text'] = "Create your own game server";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_icon'] = "gameservers.svg";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_highlight'] = "";
Change the page name, description and optionally the icon image as so:
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_name'] = "Windows Hosting";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_text'] = "Windows based servers";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_icon'] = "windows.png";
$_LANG['stellar_custom6_highlight'] = "";
Re-Name Completed
The page will now be successfully re-named. Check the web hosting menu of your template to test the page display and function. If you run into any issues feel free to submit a support ticket, we will be happy to assist you.
Request Support
We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.