Our WHMCS Templates support come with a main menu and footer based menu. These can be edited easily whether you want to change links or add new links for newly created pages.
The files containing these menus are:
Main Menu: /whmcs_path/templates/your_template/includes/menu.tpl
Footer Menu: /whmcs_path/templates/your_template/includes/footer.tpl
Adding A New Link To The Main Menu
Adding a new link to the menu is very simple. Open the menu.tpl and you will find a breakdown of each dropdown and link. The links of a dropdown are listed within the <div class="navmain-links"> as blocks. For example the Company link is:
<div class="navmain-link{if $LANG.stellar_company_icon && $feature_menuicons eq "on"} navmain-icon navmain-icon-company{/if}{if $LANG.stellar_company_highlight} navmain-highlight navmain-highlight-{$LANG.stellar_company_highlight}{/if}{if $filename eq "company"} navmain-active{/if}{if $feature_companyoverview_displayorder neq 0} displayorder{$feature_companyoverview_displayorder}{/if}">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/company.php">
<div class="navmain-link-heading">{$LANG.stellar_company_name}</div>
{if $LANG.stellar_company_text}<div class="navmain-link-text">{$LANG.stellar_company_text}</div>{/if}
The {$filename} is used to detect if the page is viewed in order to change the link to an active state. The $filename is the name of the WHMCS page .php file (e.g company.php = company).
For a new link we can simplify this code a lot. As an example we could create a link for a page named merchandise.php:
<div class="navmain-link{if $feature_menuicons eq "on"} navmain-icon navmain-icon-merchandise{/if}{if $filename eq "merchandise"} navmain-active{/if}">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/merchandise.php">
<div class="navmain-link-heading">Merchandise</div>
<div class="navmain-link-text">View our selection of Merchandise</div>
This code could be used in any order for either of the dropdowns to add your new link. You would need to create the class navmain-icon-merchandise in /whmcs_path/templates/your-template/css/layout.css in order to set the icon.
Adding A New Dropdown To The Main Menu
To add a new dropdown link to the main menu open the menu.tpl file.
In this file the menu links are contained within the navmain-links div. The first line is the home button and the last is the order call to action. To add a new dropdown link you can paste and edit the following code between either of the dropdown blocks:
<li class="{if $feature_menulayout eq "megamenu"}navmain-dropdown navmain-dropdown-megamenu{elseif $feature_menulayout eq "dropdown"}navmain-dropdown navmain-dropdown-single{else} navmain-basic{/if} navmain-link5{if $filename eq "merchandise"} navmain-active{/if}"><a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/merchandise.php">Shop</a>
<div class="navmain-subcontainer">
<div class="navmain-columns">
<div class="navmain-columns-col navmain-columns-col1">
<div class="navmain-links">
<div class="navmain-link{if $feature_menuicons eq "on"} navmain-icon navmain-icon-merchandise{/if}{if $filename eq "merchandise"} navmain-active{/if}">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/merchandise.php">
<div class="navmain-link-heading">Merchandise</div>
<div class="navmain-link-text">View our company Merch!</div>
</div><!-- .navmain-links -->
</div><!-- .navmain-columns-col -->
<div class="navmain-columns-col navmain-columns-col2">
<p>We provide a wide range of products including exclusive merchandise.</p>
</div><!-- .navmain-columns-col -->
</div><!-- .navmain-columns -->
</div><!-- .navmain-subcontainer -->
Adding A New Link To The Footer Menu
Adding a new link to the footer menu is very simple. Open the file:
The links are listed within the <ul> as blocks. For example the Company link is:
<li class="footermain-link{if $LANG.stellar_company_highlight} footermain-highlight footermain-highlight-{$LANG.stellar_company_highlight}{/if}{if $feature_companyoverview_displayorder neq 0} displayorder{$feature_companyoverview_displayorder}{/if}">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/company.php">{if $footer_links_icon}<i class="{$footer_links_icon}"></i>{/if}{$LANG.stellar_company_name}</a>
An an example we can duplicate this and edit it for a new link named merchandise.php:
<li class="footermain-link">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/merchandise.php">{if $footer_links_icon}<i class="{$footer_links_icon}"></i>{/if}Merchandise</a>
This code could be used in any order for either of the footer links to add your new link.
Adding A New Link Block To The Footer Menu
The template uses a title and set of links within columns of the footer.tpl file. The footer is separated into 4 columns using the divs: footermain-col
To add a new block you can paste and edit the following code between either of the other blocks within one of the 4 columns (use within the footermain-col div of your chosen column):
<h6 class="footermain-heading">Heading</h6>
<div class="footermain-links">
<li class="footermain-link">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/page1.php">{if $footer_links_icon}<i class="{$footer_links_icon}"></i>{/if}Page 1</a>
<li class="footermain-link">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/page2.php">{if $footer_links_icon}<i class="{$footer_links_icon}"></i>{/if}Page 2</a>
<li class="footermain-link">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/page3.php">{if $footer_links_icon}<i class="{$footer_links_icon}"></i>{/if}Page 3</a>
</div><!-- .footermain-links -->
Menu Icons

The main menu supports icons which utilise images. The icon will be displayed when the menu design to set to mega menu within Wizard Panel. The icon is loaded as a CSS background.
For example the HTML of the shared hosting menu item in menu.tpl is:
<div class="navmain-link{if $feature_menuicons eq "on"} navmain-icon navmain-icon-custom1{/if}{if $feature_custom1_highlight neq "off"} navmain-highlight navmain-highlight-{$feature_custom1_highlight}{/if}{if $filename eq $custom1_url} navmain-active{/if}{if $feature_custom1_displayorder neq 0} displayorder{$feature_custom1_displayorder}{/if}">
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/{$custom1_url}.php">
<div class="navmain-link-heading">{$LANG.stellar_custom1_name}</div>
{if $LANG.stellar_custom1_text}<div class="navmain-link-text">{$LANG.stellar_custom1_text}</div>{/if}
The following 2 classes within the menu item are setting the icon::
navmain-icon navmain-icon-custom1
The CSS for this icon is found within /css/layout.css. If you'd like to add a new icon change the custom1 reference to a unique word. E.g icon1. Use that as the class for the menu link.
Next you will need to upload the icon to templates/your_template/images/. For this example we will use icon1.png
Then finally you need to add the following CSS using custom CSS:
/* icon1 icon */
.headermain.headermain-design1 .navmain .navmain-dropdown-megamenu .navmain-subcontainer .navmain-icon.navmain-icon-icon1 a::before,
.headermain.headermain-design2 .navmain .navmain-dropdown-megamenu .navmain-subcontainer .navmain-icon.navmain-icon-icon1 a::before {
background-image: url("../images/icon1.png");
As you can see we have loaded the icon1.png image and changed the class to -icon1.
You can add unlimited icons by duplicating this code. Set new icons for both new and existing menu items.
Request Support
We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.