If you have any issues installing this module, we will be happy to provide assistance for free.
Unzip the folder
Unzip your module file (WHMCS Module - SEO enhancer.zip) and move the folder named "WHMCS Module - SEO enhancer" to your desktop.
Add your SEO data
We provide 2 options for this module. You can either:
Support one language
Open the following file using a code/text editor (NotePad++ on Windows, TextEdit on Mac):
Desktop/WHMCS Module - SEO enhancer/upload/single languageseo.tpl
In this file you can define all of your SEO data for the pages of WHMCS, can you see example data in this file.
You'll need to edit the data for each page, for example let's look at the homepage:
<title>Welcome to the Your Company client area</title>
<meta name="description" content="Manage your Your Company account easily via our easy to use client area." />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.yourwebsite.com/" />
Replace the content of the title and description with your own, you'll also need to update the canonical URL to that of the page (this has SEO benefits).
A example could be:
<title>Your Company ~ Professional web hosting plans, domain registration & more</title>
<meta name="description" content="We provide a selection of reliable web hosting plans and domain registration services." />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.yourhostingcompany.com/" />
You'll need to repeat this step for all of the WHMCS pages listed in the file.
Support multi languages
Open the following file using a code/text editor (NotePad++ on Windows, TextEdit on Mac):
Desktop/WHMCS Module - SEO enhancer/upload/multi-languagelanguage.txt
In this file you can define all of your SEO data for the pages of WHMCS, can you see example data in this file.
You'll need to edit the data for each page, for example let's look at the homepage:
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_title'] = "Welcome to the Your Company client area";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_description'] = "Manage your Your Company account easily via our easy to use client area.";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_tags'] = "";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_canonical'] = "https://www.yourwebsite.com/";
Replace the content of the title and description with your own, you'll also need to update the canonical URL to that of the page (this has SEO benefits).
A example could be:
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_title'] = "Your Company ~ Professional web hosting plans, domain registration & more";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_description'] = "We provide a selection of reliable web hosting plans and domain registration services.";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_tags'] = "";
$_LANG['seoenhancer_homepage_canonical'] = "https://www.yourhostingcompany.com/";
You'll need to repeat this step for all of the WHMCS pages listed in the file.
The contents of this file need to be added to your WHMCS language files at:
If you want to support English and French paste the contents of language.txt to the english.php and french.php (below <?php) file in this directory and translate as needed.
If these files don't exist you will need to create them following this guide.
Upload file
You will now need to upload the seo.tpl file within either single language or multi language depending on your choice. The file needs to be uploaded to your active WHMCS template.
Open up FileZilla and login to your web hosting account as normal. On the left side (your local computer’s files) navigate to the upload folder as seen above. On the right side (your web hosting account) navigate your active WHMCS template directory. For example templates/your_template/. Select the seo.tpl file from the left side, then upload.
Implement the seo.tpl include
All you need to do now is edit your template to load the seo.tpl file. To do so open the following file
templates/your_template/header.tpl (for some templates the correct file may be includes/head.tpl)
Replace the following:
<title>{$companyname} - {$pagetitle}{if $kbarticle.title} - {$kbarticle.title}{/if}</title>
{include file="$template/seo.tpl"}
The above include assumes the seo.tpl file has been added to your root template directory (templates/your_template/). Ensure that seo.tpl is located within the correct directory, if not it may result in an error.
If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact our support.