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You can hire us to professionally integrate your logo/branding/content & install - Order Integration Service

First download the Default Hosting Page ZIP file from inside your Zomex account. Extract the files and move the extracted folder to your desktop.

Customize Default Hosting Page

Open upload/index.html in your code editor (you can use Dreamweaver, Notepad++, Coda and many more). This file contains the HTML of the default page, you can edit it however you like. We recommend the following changes:

1. Replace the Your Company with your own. To do this replace the following:

With the URL to your logo (we recommend loading your logo over https://)

2. Change all Your Company references to your company name.

3. Upload the documentation (or knowledgebase) and submit ticket links to your own by editing the following section:

<span><a href="#" target="_blank">Documentation</a> | <a href="#" target="_blank">Submit ticket</a></span>

3. Edit the More from Your Company section. You can add services/products you provide or even upsells for your hosting service such as domains and SSLs.

Install Default Hosting Page

The page needs to be installed within WHM. First login to WHM and click on the "Skeleton Directory" link in the left menu. This page will explain WHM's default page feature.

The index.html file needs to be installed in a directory of your default/root cPanel account. This is the domain you used to order your reseller account. The Skeleton Directory page will also confirm the username of that account:


Copy your username and clikc on the list accounts link in the left menu. Search for the account using that username and then click on the cPanel icon.

Once in cPanel click on the file manager icon and navigate to the following directory:


Everything stored in this directory will be added to every new cPanel account created. Click on the upload button, navigate to index.html on your desktop and upload.

Installation has now been completed. When a client purchases a hosting account and updates the nameservers on their domain, once DNS propagation has completed they will see your custom index.html page when viewing their domain.

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We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.