We have implemented a version control system to all of our HTML Templates. This ensures that it's quick and easy to find the version of the template you're running and also the supported software version.

Template Version

You can find your template version in the following file:


At the top of this file you'll find the current version you're running. This file also includes a changelog showing the new features/changes made to each version. This file will be automatically updated when a template update is installed.

Software Version Support

We use the same system for our software integrations. This file will update automatically every time an update patch is installed. Each have a different path to the file:

WHMCS Integration Template


Blesta Integration Template


Clientexec Integration Template


WISECP Integration Template


HostBill Integration Template


FOSSBilling Integration Template


Request Support

We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.