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We have added a Dev Tools page to our HTML Templates which contains tools for assist you with developing your template.

To view the Dev Tools visit the following URL of your HTML Template:

Dev Tools Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of the tools:

HTML Snippets

HTML Snippets allow you to easily generate elements which can be used on any page of the HTML Template. These elements include feature boxes, pricing tables, buttons & more. The code generated can be easily copied and pasted to any page to display fully responsive and pre-integrated elements.

Software Integration

Our HTML Templates support multiple softwares that allow you to add important functionality (billing, support ticket system, checkout system etc) to your website. In this section you can find all of the supported software, a link to order along with installation guides and links to generate the code used to integrate the header/footer of your template with your chosen software.

Password Protecting The Page

The dev tools page does not post any security risk to your website. But we do recommend password protecting the /dev/ directory to stop users of your website finding the tools and also to stop search engines potentially indexing these pages.

This can be done easily with any hosting environment. If you're using cPanel you can password the directory easily under cPanel > Directory Privacy.

You can also optionally delete the /dev/ directory without it effecting your live site or software integration. But you may need to re-sync your softwares header/footer once in a while so we recommend password protecting it so it's still accessible when needed.

Request Support

We hope you found this documentation useful. If you run into any issues we will be happy to assist you.