Meet Zomex The Mascot!

  • Sunday, 3rd October, 2010
  • 20:07pm

zomex mascot

As you can see we now have a mascot and ironically we have decided to name him Zomex :D I know what you're thinking, why Zomex? Well when I first spoke to the mascot design company they asked me which type of character I was thinking of using. I thought about everything from a human to a ball of fire which had nothing at all to do with Zomex or our clients so I decided to look at the name Zomex and what we do. Zomex itself doesn't actually mean anything but it has a technology sound to it and of course we provide web services so it was only natural to go with a design that meets both of these points. So we decided to go with a robot as seen on the right.

We would really love to hear what you think about our new mascot and will welcome any feedback you may have, good or bad. We still may have some slight changes made to the design/colors based on your feedback.


Jack Curtis - CEO,


If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact our support.

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